Skylights for Commercial Buildings: Enhancing Productivity and Energy Efficiency

Skylights for Commercial Buildings: Enhancing Productivity and Energy Efficiency


Skylights have become an essential component in modern commercial and industrial spaces, providing abundant natural light and improving energy efficiency. The selection of high-performance skylights for commercial buildings requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure optimal performance and cost-effectiveness. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key aspects to consider when choosing skylights, their benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Importance of Choosing the Right Skylight

Selecting the right skylight is crucial for maximizing its performance and minimizing maintenance or replacement costs. A well-chosen skylight can significantly impact the temperature, illumination, and overall energy efficiency of a commercial or industrial space. By harnessing the power of the sun, skylights can create a well-lit, productive environment while reducing reliance on artificial lighting and minimizing energy consumption.

1. Size: Finding the Perfect Fit

When determining the size of a skylight, it is essential to consider the floor area of the space and the number of windows present. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recommends that the size of a skylight should not exceed 5% of the floor area in spaces with many windows or 15% in rooms with few windows.

2. Shape: Adding Aesthetic Appeal and Functionality

Skylights come in various shapes, each offering unique benefits and aesthetic appeal. Common shapes include circular, diamond, multi-sided, oval, rectangular, triangular, and tubular. Tubular skylights, for instance, are smaller and can efficiently distribute daylight while reducing heat buildup in the summer and heat loss in the winter.

3. Energy Efficiency: Harnessing Natural Light

Optimizing energy efficiency is a primary consideration when selecting skylights for commercial buildings. By utilizing natural sunlight, skylights provide a more sustainable and energy-efficient alternative to artificial lighting. Manufacturers incorporate various glazing techniques, such as heat-absorbing tints, insulated glazing, and low-emissivity coatings, to enhance energy efficiency.

4. Ventilation: Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

In addition to providing natural light, skylights can also contribute to ventilation in commercial spaces. Ventilating skylights allow the release of hot air, improving indoor air quality and creating a more comfortable environment.

5. Climate Zone: Adapting to Local Conditions

The climate zone in which a commercial building is located plays a significant role in determining the type of skylight suitable for the space. Understanding the climate zone helps in selecting skylights that can withstand the specific environmental conditions, including temperature, wind, and precipitation.

6. Wind Load: Withstanding Nature’s Forces

Consideration of wind load is essential, especially in areas prone to hurricanes or strong winds. Regions with high wind exposure, such as Florida, require skylights that meet strict wind-load requirements to ensure their durability and resistance to wind forces.


Choosing the right skylights for commercial buildings requires careful consideration of factors such as size, shape, energy efficiency, ventilation, climate zone, wind load, hail rating, insurance standards, and warranty. By selecting high-performance skylights that meet the specific needs of a space, commercial building owners can enhance productivity, reduce energy consumption, and create a more sustainable environment. Aparna Craft offer a reliable solution to maximize natural light penetration and provide long-lasting performance. Embrace the power of natural light and elevate your commercial building’s design and energy efficiency. 

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